Blog Entries categorized as "Indoor Growing"
Tulip Vernalization for Flowering
January 8, 2019
Should You Use Incandescent Bulbs for Plants?
January 7, 2019
Incandescent bulbs also function well as reading lamps.
Why Are My Plants Stretching?
January 5, 2019
When plants stretch or grow toward the sun, also known as tropism, they are reaching for more blue light.
CFLs Work Well in Small Spaces
January 4, 2019
I use a 250 watt CFL in a small space on a variety of plants.
Salvia Stem Cutting
January 3, 2019
Group Indoor Edibles by Temperature Needs
January 2, 2019
Grow heat- or cool-temperature plants together
Spotlight LEDs for Houseplants & Orchids
January 1, 2019
Custom Kitchen Grow Light Shelves for Herbs
December 30, 2018
Fluorescent fixtures are small and easy to mount.
Cool & Warm Spectrum Fluorescent Grow Lights
December 29, 2018
Fluorescent lamps are avaiable in all spectrums.
Many Plants are Photoperiodic
December 28, 2018
The length of time you leave your lights on is just as important as the type and intensity of light you provide.
Seedlings Will Stretch if Too Far From Light
December 26, 2018
Seedlings Will Stretch if Too Far From Light
Speed up Seedlings with Heat Mats
December 25, 2018
How Far From Grow Lights to Place Seedlings
December 23, 2018
Move small fixtures up as plants grow larger to aviod heat stress.
Grow Lights: Choose the Right Quantity and Spectrum of Light
December 18, 2018
Having the right spectrum of light is not enough to grow healthy plants.
Can You Grow Plants Using Only Red Light?
December 15, 2018
Plants grown only under red light may not transpire properly
CMH Grow Lamps Require Less Electricity
December 14, 2018
CMHs are more efficient than standard MH lamps.
Orchid Light Requirements
December 13, 2018
Different types of orchids thrive with different light levels.
Why do Plant Leaves Change Color?
December 11, 2018
Why do Plant Leaves Change Color? They have special pigments that give them different bright colors.
Carnivorous Plants Need Bright Light Indoors
December 10, 2018
Use grow lights to keep carnivorous plants.
HPS Grow Lamp Light Spectrum
December 7, 2018
Add addtional lamps to cover teh blue spectrum when using HPS lamps.
Rooting Hormone Speed Up Plant Cuttings
December 6, 2018
Three Categories of Plant Photoperiods
December 5, 2018
Plants are either long-day, short-day or day-neutral.
Heat Generated by Grow Lamps
December 4, 2018
Choosing Grow Lights
December 3, 2018
There are multiple factors to take into consideration when choosing your grow lamps.
Catteleya Orchids Require Short Days to Flower
December 2, 2018
Keep lighting periods short to encourage flowering in Catteleya orchids.
Grow Lights: What is Kelvin (K)Temperature?
November 30, 2018
Kelvin temperature is used to describe the visual color of light that a lamp emits.
Begonia Leaf Plantlets
November 29, 2018
Tomatoes Won't Ripen? It's the Temperature!
November 27, 2018
Start Seedlings Under Cool Full-Spectrum Lamps
November 26, 2018
In general, use red light for flowering, and blue light for vegetative growth.
Light Requirements for Garlic to Form Bulbs
November 25, 2018
Grow Lights: Use Timers to Control Photoperiod
November 23, 2018
Simple lamp timers can be used to turn your grow lamps on and off on a set lighting schedule.
Impact of PPFD Light Levels on Cucumber Plants
November 22, 2018
Higher PPFD increases plant growth.
Grow Dwarf Citrus Indoors
November 21, 2018
Grow Tent Considerations
November 18, 2018
Hot Temperatures Can Hinder Plant Growth
November 11, 2018
Temperature influences plant growth and development
Growing Kale in Cool Temps
November 7, 2018
How Does Blue Light Affect Plant Growth?
November 3, 2018
Blue light helps control excessive stem elongation
Use Ratchet Cords to Move Grow Lights
November 2, 2018
Rooting Plants in Water
November 1, 2018
Many plants will develop new root when stems are placed in water.
Adjusting Height on Grow Lamps Changes Light Delivery
October 29, 2018
Use one lamp for varying plants by raising and lowering.
Rose Stem Cuttings
October 28, 2018
Grow Lights: What are Facultative Long-Day Plants?
October 25, 2018
Plants that do not require an exact photoperiod before they are triggered to flower are facultative.
Narrow Grow Light Spectrum With LEDs
October 22, 2018
LED grow-light technology allows you to narrow the spectrum of light you provide to just one color.
Seeding Turnips
October 22, 2018
Humidity Dome Vent for Seedlings
October 19, 2018
How Light Effects Plant Development
October 16, 2018
Plants have evolved to employ sensors to use different spectrums of light for different stages of growth and reproduction.
Orchids on Display
October 15, 2018
Lighting Needs Depend on the Type of Plant
October 14, 2018
Size of plants and growing space change your lighting needs.
Hydroton Pellets for Hydroponics
October 9, 2018
LED Grow Light Tech is Growing
October 5, 2018
LEDs are gaining popularity as teh technology advances.
Fabric Pots for Container Tomato Plants?
October 4, 2018
Use Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights for White Light
October 3, 2018
Use full spectrum LED grow lights for white light
HPS Lamps Can Cause Plant Elongation
September 30, 2018
Adding CMH lamps to HPS lamps with keep plants from elongating.