Blog Entries categorized as "Making More Plants"

What is a Blind Plant Cutting?

What is a Blind Plant Cutting?

TOTIPOTENCY! Begonia Petiole Leaf Cutting

Begonia Petiole Leaf Cutting

Botany 101: What is a Perfect Flower?

Botany 101: What is a Perfect Flower?

Tiny Plants: Sinningia Propagation

Sinningia Propagation

Tiny Plants: Propagation Under Lights

Propagation Under Lights

Plant Parenting: Cut down on waste by making paper pots!

Recycle newspaper for seedling pots

Plant Parenting: New Roots at Plant Wound

Citrus Cutting Roots

Plant Parenting: Make Plant Clones From a Mother Plant

Plant Cuttings for Cloning

Plant Parenting: Seeds Won't Germinate? Take Plant Cuttings Instead.

Propagate clone plants with cuttings

Collecting Seeds from Your Garden: Asclepias

Save seeds from your garden

Plant Propagation: Rooting Cuttings in Water

Water Root Your Plant Cuttings

Succulent Cuttings

Collecting & Saving Seeds

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