OFA - Ohio Short Course

July 23, 2009

Last week I was up in Columbus at the OFA conference (Ohio Short Course). The big floriculture convention. There is always much to do and learn as well as new plants and gadgets to discover. Here are a few of the fun things I found. Be aware that some of these new plant varieties may not be out on the market for a while. Some will be available starting this fall. There were tons of things to get photos of, but these are just a few highlights.

I also did a quick interview with Ellen Wells from Green Profit/Greenhouse Grower mags. On...you guessed it...CHICKENS. lol She Buzzed about it in their e-newsletter and promises a chicken keeping 101 in the next Green Profit issue, for those of you in the industry. http://www.ballpublishing.com/GreenProfit/ReadCurrentBuzz.aspx


Lots of new succulents on the market these days. Here was a cool little Aloe named 'Christmas Carol'. And a very cool miniature Cyperus.



An absolutely beautiful new Echinacea named 'Tiki Torch' and a super blue new Salvia farinacea hybrid named 'Sallyfun Bluetune'



With the millions of coleus out there, I'm not usually impressed with new ones, but 'Chocolate Splash' is really quite lovely. A very cool new Purslane called 'Maraca'.



A very distinctively different Mahonia...will make for a nice new small shade shrub option. Although its cultivar name, 'Soft Caress,' gives me the giggles. A big new Gomphrena called 'Fireworks' really caught my eye. The bright pink and yellow blooms aren't really my style when it comes to color, but it looks like it will be a beast in the summer garden.



A fancy new trailing Tiarella called 'FM Moonberry'. A fab green wall planted with succulents (sorry random dude in the photo!)

Einstein…chicken baby is growing up…

July 23, 2009

Just a quick chicken shot of the day...my crazy little Einstein. She's grown quite a bit since she first arrived but she's still just as loony. With the addition of new chickens to the flock, Einstein got a promotion. She went from the bottom of the pecking order to thinking she had a couple of newbies to boss around, even though as different breeds they are twice her size. It's hilarious. She stands on top of the food container now and flaps her wings at everyone...defender of the corn...


Summer Vegetable Harvest

July 15, 2009

A Garden Bounty in July

Meant to post this last week before I trotted off to Columbus, but didn't get the chance. Just a couple of photos of one morning's veggie harvest. That's all I had room to pick that day...I'll be harvesting up a bunch of tomatoes over the next couple of days and pulling some of those tomato plants. I'll also post on how to trench plant summer tomatoes. And no, I haven't forgotten I still owe a fruit tree espallier pots as well! The potatoes are a mix of 'Yukon Gold', one of my faves and 'Kennebec'. I was up at the Ohio short course this past week...I'll post some shots of some cool new plant varieties - as long as you guys understand that some may not be available for a while!


Mad City Chickens…Texas premiere!

July 9, 2009

Chicken Movie Premier

FYI, all you chicken lovers, North Haven Gardens will be hosting two free screenings of the Texas premiere of "Mad City Chickens". The first showing will be Saturday August 8th at 2:30 pm and the second Sunday August 9th at 1pm. We'll have free popcorn and AC! If you haven't heard of this movie, and you're interested in urban chicken keeping, you'll want to check it out. Watch the trailers...they'll make you giggle...or cluck... We can probably fit about 120 people seated comfortably in the room, perhaps maybe a bit more, so get there early. First come first served. If demand exceeds our two showing capacity, we'll schedule another one.

And I'll toot my own horn a bit...we'll be showing this movie in Dallas BEFORE Austin...HA. Please...don't Austin up my Dallas...lol.....

Why Your Tomatoes Are Not Producing Fruit or Not Ripening

June 30, 2009

Frustrated by Tomatoes That Won't Set or Ripen?

I've been getting a lot of questions about this topic lately (right on schedule) so I figured I'd go ahead and devote an entire post to the subject. Now, this post could easily be 10 pages long but I'll do my best to keep it as short and digestible as possible!

In our hot climate in Texas, or similar hot climates, you need to plan on planting two crops of tomatoes: Your summer harvest and fall harvest crops. Depending on where you are in the state, your spring-planted tomatoes will go in the ground some time between the end of February (southern) and late-March (northern). Here in Dallas optimal planting time is right about March 15th, but I find earlier (the last week of February or early March) is better. Just keep some frost cloth on hand for protection.

Your spring planted tomatoes should start producing harvest-able fruit in late May through June and early July depending on the type and variety. Usually the cherry tomatoes will come on first, then Roma types then the big ones Then in late-June through mid-July you'll plant your second round of transplants for fall production. So if you want to do your own tomatoes by seed, you'll start your spring crop by seed indoors late-January through early February, and you can start your second crop by seed in May - usually temps will allow you to direct seed them into the garden in May. Make sense?

Tomato 'Celebrity' slices

Tomato 'Celebrity' slices
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Fruit development is impacted heavily by temperature, and rapid fluctuations in temperature. If temperatures get too cool, go from cool to very hot too quickly, or plants don't start flowering until it's above 85F degrees day/night average (because you planted them too late) then you'll have poor fruit set or no fruit set at all. Remember that it's night temperatures that are going to really shut you down come June. Poor fruit set can also be a result of poor watering and plants being too dry. To encourage better fruit set you can use Blossom Set, which is a natural plant hormone that helps fruit set even in less than desirable conditions. It's not a cure all, and when it's 103 and 95 at night don't waste your money. Use it earlier in the season to get fruit set as early as possible. You can also use Blossom Set to help improve earlier yield on cucumbers, melons, eggplants, strawberries, and peppers. (you can also shake your tomato plants everyday to improve pollination, especially if you don't have bees visiting your garden).

So say your plants have set fruit properly and now they are just sitting there green. Usually, a tomato fruit will spend 40-50 days in it's "immature green" stage. Then it will begin to ripen and it's called "mature green". The optimum temperature for tomato ripening is 68-77 F degrees (yeah, we don't see that in summer in Texas!). And the proper production of ethylene. The further temperatures stray from that optimum, be it cooler or warmer, the more the ripening process is disrupted. When this continues for extended periods of time it can totally shut down the ripening process. So Jim, yes, when it's above 100 F degrees for a while, your green tomatoes may just sit there green. Also, tomatoes don't produce lycopene and carotene (the pigments that make the final ripe color of the fruit) when temps get above 85 F degrees average. So it's a double whammy.

Often when you get a break from super high temps, the fruit set or ripening process will re-trigger and fruit will start to color up. Sometimes what I will do though if it looks they are just going to sit there green until they fall off the plant is to go ahead and harvest them (if they are mature size) bring them inside and set them in a bowl with a banana. The ethylene put off by the ripening banana will go ahead and trigger the fruit to ripen. Then I pull out those spring planted tomato plants and plant my fall crop. This is what I do with all my green fall tomatoes that are still on the plant but we're scheduled for a hard freeze in November. I pick bowls and bowls of green tomatoes and bring them inside. They'll spend the next couple of months ripening indoors and I get fresh tomatoes all winter!

Also remember that there are many different factors in addition that contribute to a successful tomato crop. Proper water management is crucial as well as disease and pest control.

Veggies That Can Handle Hot Climates

June 28, 2009

Which Crops Can Take the Heat?

So if you live in Dallas, DFW, or a similar hot climate, you're probably wondering right about now why you thought trying to maintain a vegetable garden here in the summer was a good idea! But really, there are a number of crops that can not only make it through these unbearable rain-free heat waves, but actually thrive.

While your spring planted tomatoes are most likely starting to go into heat-delay (meaning the fruit they've already set is going to be what you get at this point), other plants like peppers, okra, and cucumbers often won't start fruiting until temperatures warm up. Now is the time to direct seed a second round of crops like squash, zucchini, bush beans, black-eyed peas, and you can plant a second round of transplants of tomatoes, eggplant, okra, and peppers right now. There are even a couple of greens that will make it through the summer here and continue producing long after your regular salad greens bit the dust. Swiss chard and sorrel are probably the two best.

Cucumbers are happy and vigorous even in the heat. These cucumbers were seeded in late March.


What to do with all those cucumbers? Well, cucumber sandwiches every day of course, not to mention you must stock your fridge with a continuous supply of cucumber water. Here I used some of the lemon cucumbers I'm growing...yum...


Peppers and Okra are in full gear...the hotter the better...


And while we can't manage summer crops of most salad greens here, we can hang on to some Swiss chard and even a bit of sorrel. Thanks to the giant beet-like tap roots on Swiss chard, it's able to make it through the tough summer heat. Now it's not going to look its absolute best come July and August, but keep it watered and it will continue producing for you. If you're not crazy about spinach or other large greens, give Swiss chard a try. It has a milder, sweeter flavor and the stems are also edible. Julie's resurrected sorrel, still going strong. Showing a bit of heat stress, but hanging in there nonetheless...

Swiss _chard_summer

Added New Chickens to the Flock

June 28, 2009

With the passing of Scooter and the building of the new larger coop, I figured I could add a couple more birds to the flock. These are the new arrivals. With the gang I have right now, and Eunis' bad attitude, I thought it would be better to start with some older pullets rather than risk the safety of smaller birds. The one on the right has quite the impressive fluff of neck feathers and a bit more chutzpah. Because of this, she's also been the focus of Eunis' initial plays for power.
New pair of hens

New pair of hens
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

The one on the left seems to be more docile and sweet. The second photo is a close-up of her face. I know to those of you who don't have chickens it will sound a little weird to say that some chickens just have sweet eyes. But they do! You can either see the sweet or the mean in their eyes, just like people I guess...lol. Let's hope this transition goes smoothly.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Fabulous Finished Custom Chicken Coop

June 21, 2009

Awesome. I love this coop...I call it my Frank Lloyd Wright coop! Still have to build the nesting boxes which will slip inside the coop adjacent to the egg door for easy access.

Adding the vented roof frame

Adding the vented roof frame
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Made with rough cut cedar, my favorite. Not your cheapest game in town, but the only material you don't have to use a chemical sealant on, which can leach into the ground. No good for chickies...The hardware cloth (wire) is buried a foot underground to keep out predators. The ceiling of the box is also covered and sealed. The structure is bolted down to the foundation cinder blocks.

Metal WING roof attached

Metal WING roof attached
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

We used recycled windows from the addition remodel we recently worked on...nice shabby chic touch! All the doors are spring loaded, so you won't leave them hanging open...chicken escape!

Windows and egg collecting door installed

Windows and egg collecting door installed
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

In the winter, the girls will have protection from the cold wind, but still ventilated.

Recycled window door

Recycled window door
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Cozy upstairs apartment where roosting boxes will go

Cozy upstairs apartment where roosting boxes will go
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Complete Chicken coop!

Complete Chicken coop!
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Easy access cleaning right next to the compost bins

Easy access cleaning right next to the compost bins
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

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