My Cucumbers and Melons Cross Pollinated
August 17, 2009
So Are They Cumelons or Melumbers?
Even us horticulturists get sloppy in the garden. Ok, we're probably the worst. So I planted some 'Lambkin' melons in a spot that happened to be near some Armenian burpless cucumbers I'd seeded. In my defense, I'd forgotten I'd seeded the cucumbers there. Well...I've ended up with some interesting, ehem, hybrids. My friend Carolyn, a gardener and artist, drew such a fab little comic about me, my garden, and my cross-pollinating squash and zucchini. I'll have to find it and scan it. That was back in the early 90s. Guess I still haven't learned my lesson. LOL

They had the most lovely fragrance of both melon and cucumber. This might actually be a good combo! Not enough flesh for me to actually eat so I gave them to the chickens. They scarfed them down to the rind. Glad someone enjoyed them!