Grow Lights: What are Qualitative and Quantitative Photoperiods?

July 26, 2018

Photoperiodic plants fall into two subcategories: qualitative and quantitative. Plants that require a specific critical daylength to flower are classified as qualitative, or obligate. Without that exact amount (or more) of uninterrupted darkness, the plant will never flower.

The flowers and bracts of this ‘Peterstar White’ poinsettia are the result of exposure to a specific short-day (long-night) photoperiod.
PC: Ball Horticultural Company

Poinsettia plants are a classic example of a qualitative short-day plant. They will not initiate flower buds until the dark period reaches around 11 hours and 45 minutes, depending on the cultivar. Flower initiation is optimal with a 14-hour period of darkness.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Use Yellow Sticky Cards to Control Fungus Gnats

July 25, 2018

Yellow sticky cards are an easy method for catching and killing many flying pests, such as fungus gnats and whiteflies. The fungus gnats you will catch are the nuisance adults, but the larvae do all the damage by feeding on roots.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

If you do not want to use organic or synthetic pesticides on your indoor plants, sticky cards are a good alternative.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Grow Kale in Cool Temperatures Indoors

July 24, 2018

Want to grow kale indoors? Then you'll need to keep it cool! Kale prefers cool conditions, and is normally grown outdoors during the cool season, or in winter in hot climates. Plants will bolt once temperatures reach about 80°F (26°C).

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Grow kale indoors in a space that stays consistently cool, such as a basement or a garage. You will need to cool air inside a sealed grow tent, especially if you are using HID grow lamps that generate greater amounts of light and heat. Try growing kale with LEDs, HOT5 Fluorescents, and CFLs to reduce heat.

New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

Reduce Nitrogen Fertilizer When Tomatoes Begin to Flower

July 23, 2018

Once vegetable crops or blooming plants mature and begin to flower, dial back the nitrogen fertilizers. Too much nitrogen at this stage encourages plants to put the energy into more leafy green growth instead of flowers and fruit.

These plants are beginning to set fruit. As more fruit begins to develop, I’ll start fertilizing plants again.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

When plants enter flowering mode, you can switch to a low-nitrogen fertilizer or hold off altogether until baby buds and fruits begin to appear. When fruit is about 1/2-way developed, you can begin adding balanced fertilizer back on a week (liquid) or monthly (granular) basis so that resources go to fruit development.

Gardening Under Lights Book

LED Grow Light Bars

July 22, 2018

LED grow-light bars (in all white or nanometer-specific colors) are available with small reflectors. You can fit them under cabinets or grow shelves just like the T5 fluorescent units. If T5 fluorescent grow lamps are putting out too much heat for your seedlings or young plants, switch them out for these LED bars.

Low-heat T5 LED bars that can be used with traditional HO T5 fluorescent fixtures.
PC: Sunlight Supply, Inc.

Use full spectrum LED Bars for white colored light in your living spaces.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Use CFL Grow Lamps in Home Light Fixtures

July 21, 2018

You can use a CFL in household lamp fixtures and as grow spotlights for small indoor houseplants or cuttings. Just as with T5 fluorescents, you will have to place the CFL fairly close to your plant so you don’t lose light volume. Because of their moderate heat output, this is relatively safe.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Fitting into household fixtures also makes these lamps easy to hang horizontally or vertically if you need to get more light at lower levels between large plants.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Harvesting Dry Seeds

July 20, 2018

Harvest dry seeds while still on the plant, once they have completely matured and dried. The dry pods will be easy to open or will burst open on their own, and the seeds inside will be hard and completely dry.

These butterfly weed (Asclepias sp.) seed are dry and ready to be harvested.​
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Keeping seeds in a cool, dry place will help extend their life. Be aware, however, that the longer you store seeds, the more their germination rate decreases.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Air Cooled Grow Lamps

July 19, 2018

When growing plants indoors, it is critical to understand how temperature affects your crops and how to manipulate it to improve your yields.

PC: Sunlight Supply, Inc.

Your grow lights can give off heat, but you can employ high-intensity lighting in small spaces if you use an air-cooled hood. Air-cooled hoods can be connected to ducting which moves air in, through, and out of the tent, removing heat produced directly from the grow lamp.

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