New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

NEW RELEASE DATE: NOW! Available on Amazon, signed copies in my web shop

My new book Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers is here! You can order it NOW on Amazon in hardback or Kindle, or, order personalized signed copies from me at my web shop (click Shop tab above).

Indoor plant lighting is a complicated and often-misunderstood topic. Many established gardeners and new plant enthusiasts alike are seeking ways to bring more nature indoors. Apartment living, short growing seasons, better home food production, or a serious addition to year-round gardening and plant collecting, drive many to attempt indoor growing. However, without the right lighting and understanding of how to use it, failure is all too common. From seedlings, to garden starts to permanent indoor crops and plant collections, I'll demystify the art and science of skillfully lighting and successfully growing your indoor plantings and edibles.

Book Description: Gardening Under Lights details everything a gardener or hobbyist needs to know to garden indoors. Part One starts with the basics of photosynthesis, the science of light, and how to accurately measure how much light a plant needs. Part Two provides an overview of the most up-to-date tools and gear available. Parts Three and Four offer tips and techniques for growing popular ornamental plants (orchids, succulents, bonsai, and more) and edible plants (arugula, cannabis, oregano, tomatoes, and more) independent of the constraints of volatile outdoor conditions. Gardening Under Lights is a highly-detailed, accessible guide for seed starters, plant collectors, and anyone who wants to successfully garden indoors.


Leslie F. Halleck Media Kit - Download a Media Kit for more information on the book and contact information for PR & Speaking opportunities.

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