Articles categorized as "Green Industry"

Want to be Profitable and Happy in Your Business? Get to Know Yourself!

Plant for Profits: Want to be profitable and happy in your business? Get to know yourself!

Work-Life Balance: Is it Possible?

Work-Life Balance: Is it Possible?

My Business, my Choice. Business Ethics in a New Age.

My business, my choice. Business ethics in a new age.

Botanical Business: Don't Pay the Plant Passion Tax!

Botanical Business: Don't Pay the Plant Passion Tax!

The New Plant Parents: We’ve actually been here before

How to keep new plant parents and gardener growing

Plant Pricing Truths to Grow By

How do you price plants profitably?

Help Me, Help You: How to Request Quotes from a Plant Expert

Help Me, Help You: How to Request Quotes from a Plant Expert

Healthy Business Boundaries

Overpromised, underpaid

Careful Curation

Curate the right plant and product inventory selection

Pass-along Plant Passion

Tap into a little bit of gardening and houseplant nostalgia with legacy plants.

Collaboration Over Competition

You're sharing customers with EVERYONE!

Shake up Your Selection

Keep customer experience fresh and exciting with product selection

Managing Great Gardening Expectations

Working with new gardeners can often be fun, but also terribly challenging

Be in control of your marketing strategy

Turn the growing interest in specialty-clean greens to boost profits.

Women in Horticulture Program 2019

Women in Horticulture Program Western Show

Shouldering Consumer Wants

Retailers are looking to growers and breeders to fresh inspiration.

Women in Horticulture Series: Brie Arthur, Foodscape Revolution

Women in Horticulture: Meet Brie Arthur

Take The Wheel

Put yourself in the driver’s seat of your online reputation.

It’s Time To Do Some Soul Searching

Combat a horticultural identity crisis and redefine your garden center

Perennial Winner

Passionate about perennials? Check out the PPA!

Great Expectations

Incorporate these tips for a strong retail team

Manners Matter

In retail? Don't forget your manners!

Ditch the 90s Look!

Hey Green Industry and Garden Center businesses...update your website!

What’s In a Name?

Redefine your garden center by examining your name and branding.

You want to sell me what? Backyard Chickens…

Harvest the benefits of an urban flock...

Heritage Opportunities: Tomato Trends

Health-conscious consumers frequently turning to heirlooms

Premium Crops Grow Profits

Premium crops command premium prices and profits. So why avoid them?

Excess rainfall and flooding- How it creates dangerous hazard trees.

What happens to our trees during seasons of heavy rain?

Don’t Resist Change

Is the Green Industry relevant to young home owners?

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