Harvesting Peppers Indoors

August 18, 2018

Did you know? You can harvest peppers at different stages of ripeness, from green to red to dry on the plant. Most peppers change in color from green to purple and then mature to yellow, orange, or red, as they become more ripe.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Peppers are a generally compact and easy-to-grow crop for the outdoor and indoor garden. Hot peppers are some of the easiest edibles to grow, and I highly recommend them as a first crop for new gardeners.

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Sooty Mold on Citrus Leaves

August 17, 2018

Sooty mold can completely cover leaves of infected plants. It is made up of several types of fungal species and is a grey- to black-colored mold that grows on the honeydew residue produced by aphids, scale, and whiteflies.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

To correct sooty mold, wipe plant leaves with soapy water, a plant wash product, or neem oil.

Gardening Under Lights Book

LED Spotlights for Indoor Wall Gardens

August 16, 2018

Your space can be darker than you think just a few feet away from a window. Especially if you tend to keep binds or curtains pulled for privacy or to reduce glare in your room. What seemed like a bright space, might not be bright enough for your plants. What's the solution? Grow lights!

Need to liven up your living space, but don't have lots of room? Go vertical, but be sure to add grow lamps, such as these spotlight LED grow lamps from SolTech Solutions.
PC: SolTech Solutions

Hanging LED spotlights on the wall can keep your plants happy even in darker spaces.

New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

Aerial Roots on Tomato Plants

August 15, 2018

Some plants develop lateral or aerial roots that let you know where you can root them. This section of tomato stem is begging to be rooted.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

In this photo you can see these aerial roots, or adventitious roots, just waiting to pop out from the stems of this tomato plant. You can bury the tomato plant deeper in the soil, where these aerial roots will make the plant stronger. Or, you can take a cutting from this section of the plant, which will root more quickly.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Elm Bonsai Need a Dormancy Period

August 14, 2018

Want to grow bonsai indoors? Temperature and dormancy requirements of certain species will imparct your success with indoor bonsai. Deciduous species of tree bonsai--such as elm--will drop their leaves, just as they would in fall and winter outdoors.

An elm tree grown as a bonsai specimen.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Give them some time in a dormant period outside, as temperatures cool in the fall, before transitioning them back indoors, which will trigger them to begin growing and leafing again. We all need a break sometimes!

New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

Roots Forming on a Plant Cutting

August 13, 2018

Aeroponic propagators can be used to root cuttings of all sorts of plants. While you can't see what's going on below the soil or in the propagator, roots are slowly forming.

Roots developing on a salvia cutting.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Some plants can take a couple of months to root, while others will root in a week’s time. For plants that like warm growing conditions, or if you’re starting cuttings in winter or in a cool part of your home, use a seedling heat mat under the rooting tray to speed things up.

Gardening Under Lights Book

What is a Deep-water Propagator?

August 12, 2018

Propagation incubators, such as deep-water propagators, can make rooting plant cuttings ( cloning) much easier. They typically use hydroponic or aeroponic methods for root cuttings.

An example of a deep-water propagator.
PC: Sunlight Supply, Inc.

These deep-water propagator setups will provide moisture, air, and rooting hormones at the right levels to deliver a high rate of success with your cuttings.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Red Chinese Evergreen Houseplant

August 11, 2018

There are many types of plants that simply can't thrive indoors without supplemental lighting from grow lamps. But there are a few lower-light house plants that can thrive in medium- to low-light conditions indoors. Chinese evergreen is one such houseplant.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

In particular, I'm fond of this variety, simply called 'Red'. Now, low-light doesn't mean NO light! If it's too dark in your space, then even these tough, easy houseplants won't thrive. A bright room without direct hot sunlight is best. Of course, you can always use spotlight LEDs or CFLs to provide supplemental light to individual houseplants if they aren't getting enough natural light.

New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

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