Mixing Light Spectrums and Influencing Plant Growth

September 25, 2018

Switching between color spectrums and types of lamps can help you influence plant-growth habit and trigger different stages of development. You can also mix and match different spectrums of light.

These bulbs are being forced under a mix of full, red, and blue spectrum fluorescent lamps.
PC: Homestead Gardens

Fluorescent grow lamps are available in varying spectrums that you can switch out in your fluorescent fixture. You can mix fluorescent tubes of different spectrums in the same fixture to create your own light recipe.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Seed Stratification for Germination

September 24, 2018

Some seeds do not have a hard seed coat, but rather go into a dormancy period that can make germination a long affair. You will have to wake these seeds from their slumber using a process called stratification.

Wildflowers such as blazing star (Liatris sp.) may benefit from or require stratification for germination.​
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Stratification involves creating favorable environmental conditions in which the seeds would germinate in nature. Seeds and plants that go into dormancy typically come to life after the return of spring temperatures and rainfall. You must mimic the cycle of dormant winter season followed by natural germination season. Stratification involves exposing seeds to cold temperatures - typically in your refrigerator - for a period of time before attempting to germinate them. Check your seed packet for specific stratification recommendations.

Gardening Under Lights Book

How to Fertilize Citrus Trees

September 23, 2018

Citrus trees are heavy nitrogen feeders. Choose a fertilizer with a 2:1:1 or 3:1:1 ratio. There are special fertilizer blends labeled for citrus plants.

Key Limes
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Apply a fertilizer to the soil at planting time, then fertilize monthly during the active growing season (late winter through summer) and once every two months during fall and early winter.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Why Did My Plant Die?

September 22, 2018

We all kill plants, even us professionals. If you're wondering why your plant died on you, there are a few important things to remember about how plants live and grow. Plants need enough light, water, and carbon dioxide to drive photosynthesis. If they don't get enough of each or all, they'll be in trouble.

A seriously dead plant.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Respiration is how plants burn calories, and respiration doesn't stop just because the lights are out or you forgot to water. Your plants will burn energy even if there is not enough light, water, or carbon dioxide available. If those inputs remain limited or cease, eventually your plant will burn more energy than it can generate. Like this plant, which is now TOAST. Because I forgot to water it.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Problems Growing Cucumbers?

September 21, 2018

Have you struggled to grow cucumbers, either in your indoor garden our outdoors? Often a lack of water is keeping your plants from producing as well as they could. Cucumbers produce fruit that contain a lot of water, so they must stay consistently moist for fruit to develop properly.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

If you let your cucumbers go dry, you may see flower drop or your fruit might have a tough texture. Inconsistent watering can lead to blossom end rot, a deformity caused by a disruption in calcium uptake. To put an end to blossom end rot, keep soil or growing media evenly moist all the time.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Small LED lamps work in Home Light Fixtures

September 20, 2018

Many small two-band LED lamps can be used in standard home light fixtures, floor lamps, or spotlights. These small lamps typically fall in the 3- to 13-watt range and will be labeled as E6 or E27 base.

LED clip lights are handy for lighting individual plants on shelves or tables.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

These individual low-wattage LEDs are useful for only individual houseplants like potted foliage plants or orchids. Do not expect them to light up a large area or to be suitable for multiple plants.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Indoor Seeding Station

September 19, 2018

Depending on your climate and outdoor growing conditions through the seasons, you may have to start seeds of certain crops indoors a few weeks, or even months, ahead of outdoor planting days in order to harvest a successful crop. This is where an indoor seeding station comes in handy. You need only a few square feet of space to prepare a couple of seed trays with a small lighting setup.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Sowing new plants from seed is downright exciting. It’s also economical. Starting your own seeds is a very cost-effective way to grow a large quantity of plants quickly, plus you’ll be able to grow a much wider variety than if you buy only finished transplants from a garden center.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Estimating Grow Lighting Needs

September 18, 2018

Much of the information provided online or by manufacturers for calculating your lighting needs is based on watts. While energy use is an important consideration, it is an input, not an output.

LED bulbs are available in various shapes and sizes.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Without any additional sunlight, you can estimate that:

• A 1000-watt lamp lights a 36- to 40-square-foot growing space.

• A 600-watt lamp lights a 20- to 36-square-foot growing space.

• A 400-watt lamp lights a 12- to 16-square-foot growing space.

• A 250-watt lamp lights a 6- to 9-square-foot growing space.

• A 150-watt lamp lights a 3-square-foot growing space.

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