How to Water Indoor Begonia Plants

October 13, 2018

Love interesting foliage? Then you'll love Rex Begonias. While these plants are typically easy to care for, you can have trouble with them if you are overly-loving when it comes to watering. Begonia plants need to dry between waterings (just like many succulents) and can rot quickly if you leave them too wet too frequently.

Begonias prefer to dry between waterings.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Make sure the soil in your begonia plant pot is dry to the touch before watering again, and always keep water off the foliage, as it can cause spots on the leaves as well as fungal issues. Make sure your plant your begonia in a container with drainage holes, and use a water catch to trap the excess. Begonias like medium light conditions.

LED Zoned Grow Lamps

October 12, 2018

Some of the dual-band or multiband LED fixtures are zoned so you can turn on only the color or mix of colors you want, depending on your plant’s stage of growth. This is handy when you have a small growing space and cannot move plants to different lamps between the vegetative and flowering stages.

This LED fixture mixes red and blue light, producing a pink-colored light.
PC: Garden Supply Guys

Gardening Under Lights Book

Do Your Plants Have Chlorosis?

October 11, 2018

Chlorosis can appear as an overall yellow cast to the leaf, or interveinal chlorosis (yellow between green veins) as shown in the photo – due to a lack of chlorophyll. Chlorosis signals potential nutrient deficiencies (iron, manganese, zinc); it can also signal poor drainage, soil compaction, or high soil or water pH.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

To prevent cholorsis, feed your seedlings once per week at low doses, or every two weeks if you have bumped up to a stronger feed.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Tomato 'Homeslice' for Indoor Garden

October 10, 2018

When you decide to grow tomatoes indoors, space is a big consideration. Vining, or indeterminate tomatoes, can grow 25-feet tall! I'm guess you don't have that kind of space indoors. Be sure to look for "bush" tomatoes, also called determinate tomatoes.

'Homeslice' Tomato

'Homeslice' Tomato
PC: Ball Horticultural Company

Determinate tomato varieties are shorter and bushier, growing to 3 to 5 feet and putting on most of their fruit at the same time. Determinate types, like 'Homeslice', are better suited to normal indoor growing spaces. Many new dwarf and mini-tomato plants are quite compact, making them perfect for container growing.

New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

Hydroton Pellets for Hydroponics

October 9, 2018

Growing in a hydroponic system requires different media. Expanded clay pellets, known as hydroton, are often used as a supportive substrate in hydroponic and aeroponic growing systems.

PC: Sunlight Supply, Inc.

Hydroton is usually held in baskets that are suspended in water, or in pots where water is recirculated. They hydroton creates a support structure for the plant roots as they are bathed in water from the hydronponic system.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Grow Lights Boost Your Indoor Plant Collection

October 8, 2018

If you're a budding plant collector, you might soon find that your'e running out of prime window real estate for your plants. As you move away from the window, your plant collection ever-expanding, light levels will decrease. That means you may run out of room to keep the types of plants you want to keep, or be able to encourage flowers on your blooming plants in lower-light areas.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Most succulents won't thrive long-term in a standard windowsill, as they typically need brighter light. Creating an area where you can add grow lamps - say a shelf in your kitchen or guest room- can help you deliver enough light to your favorite plant companions. I created this shelving area in my garage to house an overflow of my houseplants and bloomers. I use an 8-lamp HO T5 fixture that hangs above the area, lighting assorted orchids, African violets, succulents, herbs, and more. I can rotate these plants back into my living space when they are blooming, or harvest herbs indoors all winter.

If you start seriously collecting certain types of indoor plants or you want to enter specimens in flower shows and plant competitions, an indoor-light setup will be necessary to stimulate production and force flowering on a schedule.

New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

Countertop LED Growing Unit

October 7, 2018

The world of LED technology for growing plants has exploded over the past few years. Their growing popularity is based on improving cost and energy efficiency. Most of the self- contained growing units on the market, such as those intended for growing greens or herbs on your kitchen counter or even integrated into your kitchen fixtures, use LEDs.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Small LED lamps and fixtures such as this one are typically affordable. You can use them to grow small succulents, microgreens, small orchids, or low-growing herbs.

Gardening Under Lights Book

Vegetable Days to Harvest

October 6, 2018

On the seed packet you will find information on when you can expect flowers or fruit from a mature plant, also known as days-to-harvest. Days-to-harvest varies, depending on whether you direct seed or transplant your edible crops.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

If you direct seed your crop into the garden or the container in which it will grow indoors, the days-to-harvest number is calculated from the date of germination. For crops that are first grown as a transplant that will be repotted, the days-to-harvest is calculated from the date of transplanting.

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