Coming Up Roses

April 2, 2007

Ok, so I'm obsessed with peach colored roses. So far I have about 10 different varieties in this color palette. The first variety is 'Pegasus'. Sort of a rambler. The next is 'Pat Austin'. This flower is not quite open yet, but is is the perfect combination of peach to peachy pink in the center. 'Tamora' has a huge peachy pink fragrant blooms. It is just irresistible. 'Mlle. Franziska Kruger' produces tons of small peachy pink blooms. It is a really tough tea rose. I'm still waiting for the 'Abraham Darby', 'Livin' Easy' and 'Crown Princess Margareta' to come in to bloom. Can't wait!

Spring Favorites

April 2, 2007

This is one of my favorite Anemone's 'Blue Poppy' - its just about as blue as you can get in the garden. I'm not a big fan of ornamental cabbage, but Kale on the other hand is beautiful. 'Red Peacock' Kale is my favorite, especially if you'll let it go to flower in the spring. Planted an interesting new variety of Muscari for this spring called 'Golden Fragrance'. Unlike most muscari, this variety is a chartreuse color, quite large and nicely fragrant. We'll have to test out its longevity though. Dutch Iris 'Imperator' is a must have for me. Not only is it an easy to grow perennial here, but is really the top garden showstopper in spring.

Garden Critters

April 2, 2007

Ok, Iceland Poppies are just the coolest. Not only do they make your garden look great, but you get the most fantastic photos with them. Apparently, wasps like poppy pollen. But who doesn't?

Welcome to my garden

April 2, 2007

This is my garden, watch it grow...I made this place so that I could keep better track of my garden and all it's beauty. And make my friend Carolyn happy.......

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