Grow Cilantro Indoors
February 20, 2019
In warm climates, cilantro can be grown outdoors only in the cooler fall and winter months. In cool climates, it can be grown in spring and early summer. Once temperatures reach about 70 F, cilantro will go to flower and seed, then plants will expire. If you live in a hot climate like I do, you must grow cilantro through the winter outdoors. BUT, that means I don't have any cilantro in summer when my tomatoes and peppers are ripening. My solution? I grow some cilantro indoors during the warm months.
PC: Leslie F. Halleck
You'll need a cool spot in the house to grow indoor cilantro, and use low-heat grow lights such as LEDs or CFLs. Use moderate light for harvesting foliage, bright light for flowering if you want to collect seed.
New BOOK! Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers