Dreaming of Gentians

February 5, 2014

Blue...that elusive color. I'm obsessed with it in the garden. One of my very favorite blue-blooming perennials is the Gentian. I mean, look at it. It's drool-worthy. Blue flowers are always hard to photograph when it comes to getting their true color. Trust me when I say they are much "bluer" in person. I love them so much I have a book devoted to them on the shelf in my library. But do I have any of them in my garden? NO. No, of course not. Because this is Texas, and they don't grow here. So I'll keep dreaming of Gentians and shaking my jealous gardening fists at you northerners lucky enough to have these gems in your garden. This shot was taken at Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island, B.C.

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