What to plant this weekend…

October 10, 2009

Ok, it's been rainy, but the weekend is supposed to be nice. That means you have nice soft moist soil just waiting to be planted. So what can you plant right now? Well, a bunch of stuff! Any of the cole crops, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and the like. You can plant from transplants and you might still have time to go ahead and start some from direct seeding as well. Swiss chard, kale, collard and mustard greens (transplant or seed). Salad greens can be direct seeded right now. Also, direct seed radishes, beets, turnips and carrots. The weather is perfect for their quick germination. It's also the perfect time to plant cool season herbs like dill, parsley, cilantro and fennel. Garlic! Don't forget your garlic. The month of October is the perfect time to get your garlic cloves planted. Separate, but do not peel, the individual cloves. Plant about 1-inch deep and several inches apart. You'll harvest bulbs in late Spring. You can plant onions from seed right now, but not from slips or sets. You'll plant those in January. Oh, and don't forget your fava beans. direct seed those in garden now. It's a bit too late to seed peas...they really need to go in the ground in early September.


Here is some Swiss chard in my garden that I seeded back in August and then again in September. 

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