Earth Day Veggie Garden Goings On…

April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day! OH...and this is my 100th blog happy 100th post day! Well, I'm home sick with the plague today, so what better time to update the blog...Just a few shots of what's going on the veggie garden. I've been harvesting Fava beans...bucket loads of them. This photo was about the third of three large buckets I picked this past weekend. I've since pulled up all the plants and they'll now make a great addition to the compost. Sugar snap peas are popping up all of a sudden. Yum...

Bavabeanbucketsm Sugarpeas

We've ooodles of strawberries this year both in pots and beds. Hopefully, we'll be able to eat enough of them before the birds get them! They taste absolutely wonderful. Nothing like homegrown strawberries...

Strawberrypots Strawberriesoodles
Still have plenty of salad greens coming on and the pole beans and bush beans are popping up...
Polebean Lettucemix

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