Tiny Plants: Codonanthe devosiana

September 23, 2021

A cute little African violet relative that likes to live on the dry side.

Looking for a miniature yet mighty houseplant that's easy to grow and flowers?

My cute little Codonanthe devosiana is blooming away under lights in my dining room...

Codonanthe devosiana is one of my favorite tough and tiny houseplants that gifts me with blooms indoors year-round. This succulent-like trailing gesneriad, related to African violets, sports dark, soft, pubescent leaves accented with the cutest white to pinkish trumpet-shaped flowers. OH, and in the wild species of Codonanthe have beneficial relationships with tree ants! Very cool.

These trailers are cute in small pots or hanging baskets. Mine has resided happily in this 2.5” porous terra cotta pot for a good while.

Just like African violets, Codonanthe spp. will do best and bloom with supplemental light indoors, unless you have more intense natural light. They can dry between waterings, but in small pots that will happen frequently, so you’ll probably water this plant more often than you would other succulent-like plants.

Happy #NationalIndoorPlantWeek

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