Save the Bees! Special Mason Bee Kit Giveaway

March 17, 2015

In honor of their Save the Bees Indiegogo campaign, Crown Bees is letting me give away one of their very cool Complete Chalet Kit to raise your own Mason Bees!

Bees are responsible for 1 out of 3 bites of food. You can help secure our food supply by supporting our native bees. Native bees and honey bees pollinate more food when they work together. Raising solitary bees is an easy and rewarding way to support the native bee population. Become a #BeeBooster and be sure to support Crown Bee's fundraising campaign.

My contest runs today, Wednesday March 18th through Midnight Wednesday March 25th. I'll announce the winner on Thursday March 26th!

Mason Bee Kit

This stylish spring kit features your choice of our wood Chalet house. Includes reusable wood tray holes, spring bee accessories and mason bees. Designed for avid spring gardeners.

With a value of more than 100 bucks, it's awesome prize for gardeners and bee lovers. There are three ways for you to enter to win and also increase your odds of winning:

1. To enter post a comment on this blog post about why you love bees, what pollinator plants you have in your garden, or any other bee facts you know!

2. Then head over to my Facebook page and comment on or share the contest post pinned to the top of my page.

3. Tweet out this tweet: Raising solitary bees is easy and rewarding. Become a #BeeBooster @CrownBees @lesliehalleck (feel free to copy and past but be sure you include my @lesliehalleck handle so I can track your entries!)

For each comment, share or tweet you make, I'll count another entry for you. The more you do any of 1, 2 or 3, the more entries you'll get!

Enter as often as you'd like. It's all about spreading the word about bees. Seriousy, this is a really cool giveaway so enter away!

Remember, you have until Midnight, Wednesday March 25th to enter.

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