Plants with Style Baby

January 16, 2016

Yes...there are gardening books aplenty out there these days for all of us with a plant addiction, but I have one more for you. You can never really have too many plant books and as far as all those jokers who say print is dead, they haven't talked to any gardeners or hort heads. We plantgeeks like our pretty on PAPER. We like our print magazines and we like our PRINT plant catalogs. And yes, this is coming from someone who makes a living in digital media. But I still buy an obscene amount of gardening magazines and I'm treating the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Catalog like it's my precious.

So back to that book you need...I have a precocious little friend named Kelly Norris and he has oh such a way with planty things and words. Check out his latest, Plants with Style. He'll teach you how to blend your personal style with that of your garden and local environment. 

"A garden is the best way to savor life on earth." Tru Dat Kelly.

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