Added New Chickens to the Flock

June 28, 2009

With the passing of Scooter and the building of the new larger coop, I figured I could add a couple more birds to the flock. These are the new arrivals. With the gang I have right now, and Eunis' bad attitude, I thought it would be better to start with some older pullets rather than risk the safety of smaller birds. The one on the right has quite the impressive fluff of neck feathers and a bit more chutzpah. Because of this, she's also been the focus of Eunis' initial plays for power.
New pair of hens

New pair of hens
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

The one on the left seems to be more docile and sweet. The second photo is a close-up of her face. I know to those of you who don't have chickens it will sound a little weird to say that some chickens just have sweet eyes. But they do! You can either see the sweet or the mean in their eyes, just like people I Let's hope this transition goes smoothly.

PC: Leslie F. Halleck

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