New Backyard Bed

April 5, 2009

Ok, so I know I'm crazy, and it's completely masochistic, but I agreed to be on the White Rock Lake garden tour on May 17th...sigh. This means killing oneself in the garden for the next 6 weeks. This is a crazy time of year for me at work, so it's doubly hard in that regard. BUT, I knew if I said yes it would kick me in the pants to get all sorts of long awaited garden projects done.

Yesterday, thew new ornamental shade bed in the back yard:


The bed runs the length of the West side of the yard, but is shade or dappled sun most of the day. Now I've got to fill this sucker up! Which will be no small feat, because it's huge. A couple of Japanese maples will make their way into the planting as well as a sweet olive. We also used some of our leftover flagstone to built a pad around the shed so I have a nice place for my potting bench. Now, I'm off to work to hunt some plants...

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