So you wanted to know which tomato variety this was??

February 22, 2010

Alright folks, I'm letting the cat out of the bag. It seems Organic Gardening Magazine won't be publishing our test garden variety results this year. They do have a feature scheduled to publish the 2010 trials next year. So I guess I'm free to tell you now about my 2009 trials. The amazing tomato below, which was my favorite from the trials, is a variety called 'Sapho'. Yes, it's spelled correctly. North Haven Gardens will have a limited quantity of the plants available around mid-March. Call them to check for arrival time. Prime tomato planting time here in North Texas is about the second week of March through the end of March for early summer harvest.

* I wish I could identify this tomato variety for you...but I can''s top secret. LOL. If I told you, well then, you know what I'd have to do to you. It's one of my Organic Gardening Magazine test varieties. And, it's awesome. It's not often you can plant a spring crop of tomato and have it continue to produce and ripen through the entire summer and fall here in Texas. With a fantastic flavor to boot! Normally, once spring plants have produced their early summer crop, the heat of summer pretty much does them in. Then, we plant a second fall crop in mid-July. These babies have just kept on truckin' since spring. The plants are indeterminate and have gotten big and a bit rangy over the growing season, but the fruit are fantastic. It's a saladette type fruit. These are planted in my front yard and I usually just end up eating the ripe fruit right off the vine. So tasty...


I'll fill you in on this tomato next spring once OG publishes test results...*

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