Kay did the rain dance…yay!

August 22, 2008

Finally...a reprieve. Here in Dallas we've been the beneficiary of some unusual and unexpected, but most welcome, August rainfall. The last week has been cloudy and rainy...it's a little unsettling for this time of year when 105 is the norm...it leaves you wondering what kind of follow up punishment you're in for as a result. Surely...the 100's will return just to spite us. Well, my fingers are crossed at this point that they won't! I usually turn my eyes away from the garden in August...it's just too hard to keep things looking their best. That being the case, plants that take up residence in my garden must have a certain...how you say...fortitude. Survival of the fittest is the name of the game. When we are lucky enough to get a bit of rain and cooler temps, it's amazing how these plants will spring back to life in no time. A few days of clouds and rain allowed my front garden to start looking like it had some life back in it. Here are a few shots of the tough guys...and gals... You'll see tomatoes and herbs in my front beds now, as I plan to work more edibles into the ornamental landscape. The lovely blue tomato cages coordinate perfectly with my bottle tree. Me? Picky? No.... Btw....Kay is one of my staffers...she has magical powers and so does the rain dance. Must have worked.



Above: Beautiful butterfly on Mexican Petunia. 'Celebrity' Tomato, garlic chives, basil, Angelonia...more.


Above: Autumn Sage, Mexican Petunia. Rain lily 'Autumn Sunset'



Above: Mexican Feather Grass, Pennisetum 'Prince', Salvia 'Victoria Blue'. Rose 'Perle d' Or' popping back into bloom for fall.

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