I’m going to sail my zucchini boat away….
June 9, 2009
Here is what happens when you forget to stay on top of your zucchini/squash harvesting...you begin to find zucchini the size of boats in the garden! Ah, but the good thing about zucchini is that the rind doesn't get tough on you past the size of a cucumber like most summer yellow squash do. You can let these babies get huge and they still taste great...and you can float them to the Bahamas, which is where I wish I was floating away to right now! Or Paris...Paris would be good...but I don't know if my zucchini could get me that far...hmmmm..

Huge zucchini!
PC: Leslie F. Halleck
Anyhoo, this is a really outstanding bush type zucchini I'm testing. For those of you who have limited space, or haven't had much success with the vining types of squash/zucchini, try sticking with "bush" types. They make plants about 2 1/2 feet tall and wide, so they are great for containers or small space veggie gardens. I fried up some of this zucchini two nights ago and it was superb. Nothing like summer vegetables giving me the excuse to eat something fried. Now I have to go run it off!!