Garden & Gun…

September 8, 2009


So, I stumbled upon a magazine that fascinates me. I was first handed a copy of Garden & Gun about a year and a half ago. Really??? I said...Garden& Gun?? It perplexed me. But I read through that first copy and thought the magazine was interesting. I brought it home to my husband and he had the same reaction. It sat around my house for a while and then I guess I forgot about it because I never saw another copy on a newstand. As I was walking through the grocery store today at lunch I spotted a magazine cover with a lovely pitcher plant photo on the cover. So of course I made a bee-line for it. Sure enough...Garden & Gun. LOL. It has interesting garden content with a mix of hunting and ranch-type info, architecture, food, fashion etc. Nikki and I have decided it's a "Man's" version of Southern Living. But we both love it. Not that it's still not is...but I think I'll keep buying it. Maybe even sell it at NHG.

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