Fabulous new Echinacea

August 6, 2010

As with fashion, there are trends that come and go within the world of plant breeding. The hip new thing is Echinacea. Now, it used to be that we had just a few options in the world of cone flowers. Pinky purple..then some pink..then white was the new big thing. Well watch out, because there are about 50 new cone flowers on the market now in all my favorite shades of peach, orange and blends thereof. So lovely...and you are going to WANT them! 


I'll give you a teaser...this is 'Hot Papaya'...so fabulous. At North Haven Gardens in Dallas, we'll have a limited quantity of some of the new Echinacea this fall, plus a big selection of many different varieties in spring and summer of 2011. Varieties such as 'Firebird', 'Secret Desire', 'Tomato Soup', 'Mac N' Cheese', 'Summer Sky' and many more. Can't wait!

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