The New Chickens are Laying Eggs!
September 17, 2009
So it seems more of the gals have started kicking into gear while I'm on vacation...the neighbors on babysitting duty are taking photos for me. lol. At least one of the Ameraucanas is now laying...I have a feeling it's Pecker, since she looked like she was trying to do "the squat" the day before we left on our trip. I'm not sure if Phyllis has starting laying yet or not, it may just still be Einstein, who started laying last Friday.

Fresh Yard Eggs
PC: Leslie F. Halleck
The two smaller ones are probably from Einstein, and the larger one on the left is from one of the Ameraucanas...Lonnie said it's the prettiest sage color, but that's really not showing up in the photo.
They seem a little confused about where they're supposed to lay their think they're doing it everywhere except the roosting boxes.
If you look real'll see one little egg in some straw on the ground below the

Look at those beautiful orange yolks! All those good greens they eat. Plus, I add flax oil to their cook spaghetti...what's good for them is good for me! Commercial grocery store eggs??? NO THANKS!