Bye Bye Bulbs…Hello Roses!
April 24, 2008
Gorgeous Spring Roses in Bloom
The transition from spring to summer's sad but also exciting for me. I'm such a bulb fanatic and my spring garden is always so pretty that I hate to see the season fade. The Dutch Iris were stunning and my bearded Iris bloomed gangbusters this year. The tulips and daffodils put on a great show. I believe there is one last lone white tulip still holding on to its petals, but I'm sure after last night's heavy rainstorm, it has expired. I wish I'd had time to get photos up of all the lovelies, but just didn't get to it quickly enough. Sigh. Ah well....ON TO THE ROSES!!!
For those of you who've read my blog in season's past, you may know I'm obsessed with peach colored roses. Now most varieties that fall into that color category are not always the best types for growing in my area (lots of English Austin hybrids, etc.). The Texas climate, with its heavy clay soil, scorching sun, but lots of spring and fall humidity, doesn't really suit these daintier specimens. But what does any professional horticulturist do? Well, we break the rules of course! Now there are a few better suited antiques that fall into my favored color range, so I have a fairly decent mix of the dainties and the hardies at this point. They've all started popping into bloom in the last two weeks.
The garden has smelled just are a few photos 1. 'Abraham Darby' 2. 'Abraham Darby' 3. 'Perle d' Or' 4. 'Mutabilis' 5. 'Mme. Fraziska Krueger' 6. 'Pegasus' 7. 'Pegasus' 8. 'Tamora' 9. 'Pat Austin' 10. 'Ebb Tide'

Rose 'Abraham Darby'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Abraham Darby' on Trellis
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Perle d' Or'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Mutabilis'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Mme. Franziska Krueger'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Pegasus'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Pegasus' Flower Close Up
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Tamora'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Pat Austin'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck

Rose 'Ebb Tide'
PC: Leslie F. Halleck