Bulb blooms are early this year…

February 26, 2013

If you're planning to head to the Dallas Arboretum this year for Dallas Blooms, I'd suggest you move up your visit! Actually, you should probably make two visits if you really want to enjoy all the bulbs. With the warmer trending late-winter weather this year (and the past few), bulbs like Hyacinth and Tulips are blooming a week to two weeks earlier than planned. Typically, I consider the peak of Dallas Blooms ot be about the third week of March. But, temperature drives development and so when it's warm early, so go the blooms early!


Here is a shot of what are most likely 'Blue Jacket' Hyacinth and 'Monal' Narcissus (Daffodil). This photo was taken a WEEK ago! By this weekend, which is the opening of Dallas Blooms,  the Hyacinth and some of the early Daffodils will already be waning. Early blooming tulip varieties have already been in full glory for the last couple of weeks in my garden. So go now if you want to catch the early side of the bulb show, then head back in two weeks to catch the main tulip show.

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