Build it…and they will come…

July 18, 2011

Nature is smart...when you build a garden, wildlife moves in. As I've been adding to my new garden, more little creatures have started to visit me. One thing you'll notice when you start adding more plants to your garden is the presence of dragonflies and damselflies. My yard is always full of them mid-morning...I'll look to the left and to the right, to my neighbors dragonflies. My yard...full of them. It's so fun to watch. Butterflies and bees have discovered the Echinacea, basil flowers, salvias and more. Hummingbirds are enjoying the Tecoma stans. And of course, the squirrels are enjoying the tomatoes and the birds feast on the strawberries. Look, you just gotta share, lol.

Last night I saw my first exciting nocturnal visitor...a bat! He/she few right over my head in the driveway at about 9pm. It looked like it could have been a Pallid bat, but no way to know for sure. Yay bats!

Antrozous_pallidus1 Pallid Bat, Photo courtesy NPS



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