Bacykard Chicken Programs at NHG This Weekend

May 13, 2010

If you're in Dallas and are interested in Backyard Chickens, don't miss the programs and pullet sale this weekend at North Haven Gardens

SAT, May 15th 11am-2pm · Backyard Chickens for Sale

SAT, May 15th 10am · From Egg to Chick: How to incubate by Dan Probst, Bageniece Farms. A-Z of hatching & brooding egg selection, storage, washing, incubation, candling, pipping, hatching, shell ectomy, first day, first two weeks.

SAT, May 15th 11am · Backyard Chickens Show & Tell by Christine Hensley, NHG Staff, TCNP. Christine goes over a variety of breeds excellent for your backyard flock. Plus, she brings in her favorites to show off!

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