Backyard Bed Continued…

April 6, 2009

Ok so I got some partial planting done yesterday. The large weeping tree that hasn't leafed out yet is a weeping mulberry that I pulled out of the front yard a couple of weeks ago. It was so established and well rooted in that by the time I got it out (quite the sight) I pretty much had to butcher the root system. Figured it was a lost cause. But after looking at it yesterday, I noticed it was trying to leaf out and all the wood is still green. So what the heck...mulberrys are tough so I'm going to see if I can't get it to root back out. It would look pretty cool there if it did. Think happy thoughts for the mulberry, lol.

Also planted a few groups of background shrubs, some Japanese Aralia, Variegated Pittosporum and some 'Spring Bouquet' Viburnum. Also a wonderful Sweet Olive at the end of the bed and an Oakleaf Hydrangea. I'll be planting another right next to the patio. Dropped a handful of perennials in the ground, some 'So Sweet' Hosta, Autumn Fern, Heuchera, Dwarf Acanthus and a few transplanted Iris. Planted a beautiful Japanese Maple 'Oshi Beni'. There will be lots more planting to do in the next couple of weeks...


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