All Growns Up

May 16, 2009

Hello! I'm Nikki. I work for Leslie although we were friends well before that. I never gardened before I started working at North Haven Gardens and now I fancy myself quite the little grower. Of course, I really have my own brand of gardening. I like to plant hostas in mostly sun. Daylilies in heavy shade. And test the limits on how little I can water everything without killing them. I'm a good test case to see how hardy something is. Somehow I manage to keep most of my plants healthy and alive. The perennials come back every year and every time they do, it's like a little miracle just happened in my front yard. Btw: you can always click on the images to get the full detail...if you dare!


IMG_2936 I grow veggies (those are my little onions from this year), daylilies, hostas, columbine and various other plants. I am still trying to balance the veggie thing, but it's going pretty well. This year, I got all my seeds going in January only to forget to cover the plants during a freeze once I got them in the ground. So, all those tomatillos and Martian Giant tomatoes I so lovingly cared for all winter, RIP. Oh, well. Live and learn. 

Be forewarned... when you need sound advice, go to Leslie or Julie. I'm here for garden comic relief. I got you covered in the cooking department, though! Later...

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