Summer Snowflake

Summer Snowflake, Leucojum

If you wish you could grow lily of the valley but have had little success, summer snowflake is a good alternative. Although it doesn’t offer an intense fragrance, the dangling, white blooms create a similar look.


Summer snowflakes can be planted in full sun or light shade. Plants thrive in organically rich, well-drained soil but will adapt to clay soil. Once established, these drought-tolerant bulbs require little to no irrigation to thrive.

Plant the bulbs about twice the depth of the height of the bulb. Just as with daffodils, allow the foliage to mature after the spring bloom season. Do not remove it until it begins to turn yellow. Their need for a hot, dry dormant summer season makes them the perfect choice for low-maintenance Texas gardens.


Summer snowflakes are tough bulbs perfect for naturalizing in Texas gardens. They are especially good for naturalizing under deciduous trees. You can also plant them in clumps in mixed perennial beds.


L. aestivum bears pendulous, pure white, bell-shaped flowers with green tips in late winter and early spring. The dark green foliage is grass like, similar to daffodils.

Features: bell-shaped, white, late winter and early spring flowers; dark green, grass-like foliage

Height: 12–18"

Spread: approximately 12"

Hardiness: zones 4–8


Do not confuse summer snowflake with snowdrops, which are species in the genus Galanthus. Snowdrops do not perform well in our Texas heat and humidity.

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