Shasta Daisy
Shasta daisy, Leucanthemum, is one of the most popular perennials because it is easy to grow and the blooms are bright and plentiful.

Shasta daisy grows well in full sun or partial shade. Plants often thrive in morning sun with afternoon shade. The soil should be fertile, moist and well drained.
Pinch or trim plants back in spring to encourage compact, bushy growth. Deadheading extends the bloom by several weeks.
Start seeds indoors in spring or direct sow into warm soil. Divide every year or two in spring to maintain plant vigor.
Use shasta daisy as a single plant or massed in groups. Shorter varieties can be used in many garden settings; taller forms may need support if exposed to windy situations.
L. x superbum forms a large clump of dark green leaves and stems. It bears white flowers with yellow centers all summer, often until first frost. ‘Alaska’ bears large flowers and is hardier than the species. ‘Becky’ has strong, wind-resistant stems and blooms lasting up to eight weeks.
Features: early summer to fall, white flowers with yellow centers
Height: 12"–4'
Spread: 15–24"
Hardiness: zones 4–9
Note: the flowers can be cut for fresh arrangements.