
Redbud, Cercis

This outstanding native plant is often the first welcome of spring in many landscapes. The intense, deep magenta buds open to pink flowers that cover the long, thin branches in clouds of color. Redbud is one of Texas’ best understory trees.


Redbud grows well in partial shade or light shade; it appreciates some protection from the hottest afternoon sun. The soil should be a fertile, deep loam that is moist and well drained. This plant has tender roots and does not like being transplanted.


Redbud can be used as a specimen tree, in a shrub or mixed border and in a woodland garden. A locally grown redbud will perform best in your garden.


C. canadensis (eastern redbud) is a spreading, multi-stemmed tree that bears red, purple or pink and occasionally white flowers. The young foliage is bronze, fading to green over summer and turning bright yellow in fall. Many beautiful cultivars and varieties are available including the Texas redbud, C. canadensis var. texensis which bears waxy but glossy, rich green leaves and dark wine red flowers. ‘Forest Pansy’ is a stunning cultivar with deep purple foliage.

Features: spreading, dense tree or shrub; red, purple, pink or white spring flowers; seedpods; fall color

Height: 15–30'

Spread: 12–30'

Hardiness: zones 6–9

Sidebar: Redbud is not as long lived as many other trees, so use its delicate beauty to supplement more permanent trees.

Redbud, Cercis

This outstanding native plant is often the first welcome of spring in many landscapes. The intense, deep magenta buds open to pink flowers that cover the long, thin branches in clouds of color. Redbud is one of Texas’ best understory trees.


Redbud grows well in partial shade or light shade; it appreciates some protection from the hottest afternoon sun. The soil should be a fertile, deep loam that is moist and well drained. This plant has tender roots and does not like being transplanted.


Redbud can be used as a specimen tree, in a shrub or mixed border and in a woodland garden. A locally grown redbud will perform best in your garden.


C. canadensis (eastern redbud) is a spreading, multi-stemmed tree that bears red, purple or pink and occasionally white flowers. The young foliage is bronze, fading to green over summer and turning bright yellow in fall. Many beautiful cultivars and varieties are available including the Texas redbud, C. canadensis var. texensis which bears waxy but glossy, rich green leaves and dark wine red flowers. ‘Forest Pansy’ is a stunning cultivar with deep purple foliage.

Features: spreading, dense tree or shrub; red, purple, pink or white spring flowers; seedpods; fall color

Height: 15–30'

Spread: 12–30'

Hardiness: zones 6–9

Sidebar: Redbud is not as long lived as many other trees, so use its delicate beauty to supplement more permanent trees.

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