Local Gardening Expert Digs Up New Business Niche

For Immediate Release
Press Release

Dallas, Texas, 1/7/13 — After more than 20 years of working as a professional horticulturist within the Green Industry, Leslie Finical Halleck has branched out with her own business, Halleck Horticultural.

Footer headshot1Halleck’s previous positions include Director of Horticulture Research at the Dallas Arboretum, where she was responsible for creating and developing their well-known plant trials program, as well as establishing an All-America Selections Garden. For the past eight years she served as General Manager for North Haven Gardens, a well-respected independent garden center in Dallas. Through her innovative leadership, she made NHG the go-to garden center for edible gardening and urban backyard livestock. Halleck resigned her position at NHG in December and is now a full-time independent consultant.

Most might find leaving a secure job during tough economic times to be a risky move; but Halleck saw an opportunity to carve out a unique business niche for herself and make her own rules. She also sees good opportunities on the horizon for the Texas gardening industry, especially with the upward trend in the housing market. She’s ready to help independent garden-related businesses improve consumer perception of value for their products and services, as well as develop relationships with their customers. All with the goal of improving the industry’s bottom line.

Through Halleck Horticultural, Halleck will provide services such as horticultural marketing, business consulting, digital and print content generation and curation, social media support and technical training for staff. Halleck will also expand her activities as a freelance garden writer. For residential homeowners, she will now offer more frequent in-depth workshops and gardening consultations, as well as continue writing her popular growLively gardening blog.

Halleck is a dedicated horticulturist who specializes in vegetable gardening, edible landscaping, organics, ornamentals and urban backyard livestock. Halleck earned her M.S. in Horticulture at Michigan State University and her B.S. in Biology/Botany from the University of North Texas. Halleck is also a Certified Professional Horticulturist (CPH) via ASHS, The American Society for Horticulture Science. She is a regular gardening contributor to WFAA’s Good Morning Texas program.


If you would like more information about this topic or would like to schedule an interview with Leslie Halleck, please contact her through here CONTACT PAGE


Press Release: Local Gardening Expert Digs Up New Business Niche - You may download a copy of this press release as a PDF file. Press release includes direct contact information.

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