Plant Parenting Swap & Sip: Plant Swap!
Share, sip, swap, and socialize! JULY 20th, 3-5PM NORTH HAVEN GARDENS, DALLAS TX
Swap plants, rooted cuttings, and seeds with fellow plant parents while you enjoy refreshments. Commune with fellow plant lovers, chat about plant-keeping challenges or what’s exciting you in your plant collection. Make plant friends in real life! And, get a cool new-to-you plant or two out of the deal.
Leslie will be selling and signing both her books PLANT PARENTING & GARDENING UNDER LIGHTS.
First, Leslie will give a short overview of her new book Plant Parenting: Easy Ways to Make More Houseplants, Vegetables, and Flowers, demonstrate a plant propagation technique or two, and spend some time answering questions about plant propagation and plant care. The plant swap will follow the demo and Q&A. The Cafe at NHG supplies free appetizers, and will also offer drinks at happy hour prices for the event.
Leslie will also be selling and signing copies of both her books - Plant Parenting & Gardening Under Lights - during and after the plant swap.
Leslie will also be raffling a giveaway plant baby from her own collection as well as a signed copy of the Plant Parenting book.
Event schedule:
- 3:00-3:30 Plant Parent Check-in and plant set up. Leslie will answer open plant propagation Q&A.
- 3:30 – Intro/announcements
- 3:40 – You may swap for as many plants as you brought to trade! Swapping starts with Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 – approximately 15 minutes will be allotted for each group to take a turn trading – then you can all open trade until the end of the event. While Group 1 “shops” for swaps, Groups 2 & 3 will stay with their plants, etc. (You will be assigned a group number when you check in, and also given a raffle ticket for 1 Plant Parenting book & plant giveaway from Leslie, plus 10 additional giveaways.)
- 3:40-4:45pm Leslie’s Meet/Greet Book Signing & Sales – Leslie will sell and sign copies of her books “Plant Parenting” & “Gardening Under Lights”.
- 4:50: Raffle Drawings!

Steve from STEVE'S LEAVES will be coming to the swap to bring us plant freebies! Don't miss this chance to plant geek out with Steve!

I will also have 10 BloemBagz planters from Bloem Living to raffle off along with seeds!
How the Plant Swap & Sip Works:
▪ Bring a healthy pest-free plant to trade. Variety is good! Plants can come in the form of rooted cuttings (no fresh cuttings), potted cuttings, transplants grown from seed, potted houseplants, potted succulents, perennials, citrus, veggie transplants, bulbs, or seeds. Also, consider the outdoor gardening season at the time of the event.
▪ Keep in mind that you want to bring a type of plant that will be desirable to other plant parents, so you also get a good swap!
▪ Plants/seeds/bulbs can be from your own collection or purchased new from your local plant shop. Your choice.
▪ You can bring one plant or several – it’s up to you. The more you bring the more you get to trade.
▪ Plants can be potted, in plastic nursery pots, or in a water propagation container if they are rooted cuttings. Seeds should be in a labeled secure container or seed packet. Bulbs can be potted, in a labeled paper bag, small basket or pot.
▪ When you arrive (or download in advance) fill out your plant baby profile sheet to provide its adoptive parent with information such as it’s common name and botanical name (if you know it), any nickname you’ve given it, and basic care instructions. NHG will have the forms. ▪ Grab something to sip and snack on as you swap. Peruse the plant babies to and meet other plant parents to make your swap. Enjoy making new plant friends and learning new plant factoids!