Perle d’ Or

Perle d’ Or, Polyantha

Introduced in France 1884, ‘Perle d’Or’ (pearl of gold) is a tried and true performer in Texas gardens, even in heavy alkaline clay soil. Plants are also highly tolerant of our extreme heat and periods of drought. The double pompon blooms emerge continuously from spring through fall.


The soil should be moderately fertile, well drained. Plants tolerant a variety of soil conditions, but the addition of organic matter improves performance. ‘Perle d’ Or’ is very easy to grow in any landscape situation with full sun and good air circulation. Tolerates very hot direct sun and reflected heat. Deadhead lightly as needed.


Wonderful when grown in mixed perennial beds. Salvias are especially good companions. Its size and shape also makes it perfect for large patio containers so you can enjoy the intense fragrance.


Rosa ‘Perle d’ Or’ was bred in France by Dubreuil and was originally introduce to the market as ‘Rambaux’. The cultivar is a cross between R. polyantha and ‘Mme. Falcot’. It is a small dense shrub and one of the easiest to grow in Texas gardens.

Features: Highly fragrant flowers are apricot before opening, then turn a golden buff pink. Repeat bloomer spring through fall.

Height: 4’

Spread: 4'

Hardiness: Zones 6–9

Notes: ‘Perle d’ Or’ is designated a Texas Earth-Kind® Rose by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service.

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