
Mutabilis, China Rose

Known as the “The Butterfly Rose”, this impressive rose produces a flurry of multicolored blooms that resemble butterflies. Blooms emerge as apricot-yellow buds then open to yellow; then change to pink and then a deep rose. ‘Mutabilis’ blooms continuously from spring through fall.


‘Mutablis’ prefers locations in full sun but can tolerate partial shade in the late afternoon. This rose thrives in hot, dry conditions. The soil should be well drained and rich with organic matter for best performance, however you’ll find this tough rose can tolerate varying soil conditions. Once established, plants require little care. Prune in late-winter to encourage flush of spring blooms, and then as needed in late summer to keep plant size under control. Provide ample space for these large shrubs to spread.


Use this rose as a large specimen or anchor shrub at the back of mix beds. Its size also makes it a good choice for a natural hedge.

Also called: The Butterfly Rose


Rosa ‘Mutabilis’ large China rose with deep green foliage that emerges in shades of burgundy. A prolific bloomer, the flowers emerge yellow, to pink then a deep rose, giving plants a multi-colored appearance. Very tough and easy to grow rose. Introduced in 1894.

Features: single flowers with a silky texture. Flowers emerge yellow then change to pink and then deep rose.

Height: 6'

Spread: 6'

Hardiness: zones 6–9

Sidebar: ‘Mutablis is designated a Texas Earth-Kind® Rose by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service.

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