Lantana, Lantana
This low-maintenance plant, with its stunning flowers, thrives in hot weather and won’t suffer if you forget to water it. Butterflies love this prolific bloomer.

Lantana grows best in full sun but tolerates some afternoon shade. While lantana tolerates a variety of soils, plants thrive best in fertile and well drained soil. Plants are heat and drought tolerant, making them excellent for low-water and low-maintenance planting areas.
Lantana is a tender shrub that is often used as an annual. It grows quickly and makes a stunning addition to mixed planters, combining well with geraniums and other heat-tolerant annuals.
L. camara is a bushy plant that bears round clusters of flowers in a variety of colors. The flowers often change color as they mature, giving the flower clusters a striking, multi-colored appearance. A wide variety of cultivars is available. Sterile cultivars such as New GoldTM, a Texas Superstar® plant, as well as ‘Texas Flame’ (‘Dallas Red’) and the Bandana Series, are particularly excellent performers.
L. montevidensis (weeping lantana) is a spreading shrub that produces a dense mat of coarsely toothed foliage. This species bears long-stalked flower stems supporting purple-pink to purple flowers with yellow eyes. It grows 8–36" tall and 24–48" wide. It is a Texas Superstar® plant.
Features: stunning flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink, purple, red or white, often in combination
Height: 8–36"
Spread: up to 4'
Lantana suffers from few, if any, pests or diseases. It’s the perfect plant for homeowners that want very a low-maintenance yet beautiful landscape.