
Impatiens, Impatiens

Impatiens are the high-wattage darlings of the shade garden, delivering masses of flowers in a wide variety of colors.


Impatiens grow best in partial shade or light shade but tolerate full shade. The soil should be fertile, humus rich, moist and well drained.


Impatiens are known for their ability to grow and flower profusely, even in shade. Mass plant them in beds under trees, along shady fences or walls or in porch planters. They also look lovely in hanging baskets.


I. walleriana (impatiens, busy Lizzie) flowers in shades of purple, red, burgundy, pink, yellow, salmon, orange, apricot or white and can be bicolored. Dozens of cultivars are available.

Features: flowers in shades of purple, red, burgundy, pink, yellow, salmon, orange, apricot, white or bicolored; flowers well in shade

Height: 6–36"

Spread: 12–24"

Notes: Be aware, Impatiens have been severely impacted by a fungal disease called Impatiens downy mildew. There currently is no cure for this disease and it may impact your ability to find Impatiens in the marketplace. Infected plants should be removed immediately.

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