Hardy Hibiscus

Hardy hibiscus towers over most other perennials in the garden and puts on quite a show. Although the extremely large flowers last only a single day, hardy hibiscus stands up to the abuse of a hot Texas summer.



Grow hardy hibiscus in full sun. The soil should be humus rich, moist and well drained. Hardy hibiscus is a heavy feeder and benefits from a side dressing of fertilizer when it begins to leaf out.

Divide in spring. Prune by one-half in June for bushier, more compact growth. Deadhead to keep the plant tidy. If you cut your hardy hibiscus back in fall, be sure to mark its location because this plant is slow to emerge in spring.


This plant adds interest to the back of an informal mixed perennial bed and attracts hummingbirds. The large flowers create a bold focal point in late-summer gardens.


H. moscheutos is a large, vigorous plant with strong stems. The huge flowers can be up to 12" across. Cultivars are available, including some wonderful plants like ‘Cranberry Punch,’ bearing deep reddish pink blossoms. ‘Lord Baltimore’ and ‘Moy Grande’ are Texas Superstar® plants.

Also called: rose mallow

Features: white, red or pink, midsummer to frost flowers

Height: 18"–8'

Spread: 36"

Hardiness: zones 4–9

Note: If a quick freeze follows a wet fall, hardy hibiscus may not survive the winter.

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