Globe Amaranth
Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena
The flowerheads of globe amaranth are made up of brightly colored, papery bracts from which the tiny flowers emerge. It is a Texas Superstar® plant.

Globe amaranth prefers full sun. The soil should be of average fertility and well drained. This plant is drought and heat tolerant and does not require much supplemental water.
Soak seeds in water for two to four days to encourage sprouting before sowing into warm soil above 70° F.
Globe amaranth can be included in informal and cottage gardens as well as mixed beds and borders. Sometimes overlooked by gardeners because it doesn’t start flowering until midsummer, globe amaranth is worth including in the garden for the long-lasting color it provides from midsummer to the first frost. Some of the new hybrids are particularly showy.
G. globosa forms a rounded, bushy plant that grows 12–24" tall. It bears papery, clover-like flowers in shades of purple, magenta, white or pink. ‘Fireworks’ is a powerhouse bloomer and a true Texas tough annual that produces an explosion of hot pink blooms tipped with bright yellow. It is excellent for low-water gardens and grows 3–4' tall.
G. haageana ‘Strawberry Fields’ has a bushy growth habit with good heat and drought tolerance. Its bright red flowerheads resemble strawberries.
Features: purple, magenta, pink, white or red flowers
Height: 12"–4'
Spread: 8–15"
Globe amaranth flowers are popular for cutting and drying. Harvest the blooms when they become round and plump; dry them upside down in a cool, dry location.