Floss Flower

Floss Flower, Ageratum

The fluffy flowers, often in shades of blue, add softness and texture to the garden.


Floss flower prefers full sun but tolerates partial shade. The soil should be fertile, moist and well drained. A moisture-retaining mulch prevents the soil from drying out excessively.

Floss flower will have its best performance in spring and fall. Deadhead to prolong blooming and to keep plants looking tidy.


The smaller selections, which become almost completely covered in flowers, make excellent edging plants for flowerbeds and are attractive when grouped in masses or grown in planters. The taller selections can be included in the center of a flowerbed and are useful as cut flowers.


A. hybrids produce flowers in a range of blues, violets and purples. Not all ageratums are heat-tolerant enough to perform well in Texas. But the Proven Winners Artist Series does well, growing only 8–12" tall in the garden and in containers. ‘Blue Diamond’ is another heat tolerant hybrid with a larger growth habit, growing to 30" tall in the garden.

Also called: ageratum

Features: cool-colored, fuzzy flowers; mounded habit

Height: 8–30"

Spread: 6–18"


The genus name, Ageratum, is from the Greek, meaning “without age,” and refers to the long-lasting flowers.

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