Fan Flower

Fan Flower, Scaevola

Fan flower’s intriguing, one-sided flowers add interest to hanging baskets, planters and window boxes.

Halleck fanflower scaevola aemula lavender


Fan flower grows well in full sun or light shade. The soil should be of average fertility, moist and very well drained. Water regularly because this plant doesn’t like to dry out completely. It does, however, recover quickly from wilting when watered.


Fan flower is popular for hanging baskets and containers, but it can also be used along the tops of retaining walls where it will trail down. This plant makes an interesting addition to mixed borders, or it can be used under shrubs, where the long, trailing stems form an attractive groundcover.


S. aemula forms a mound of foliage from which trailing stems emerge. The fan-shaped flowers come in shades of purple, usually with white bases. The species is rarely grown because there are many improved cultivars. New WonderTM and Surdiva Series are excellent performers in Texas.

Features: unique, blue or purple flowers; trailing habit

Height: up to 8"

Spread: 36" or more

Notes: Given the right conditions, this Australian plant will flower abundantly from March through to frost.

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