
Canna, Canna

Cannas are stunning, dramatically large foliage plants that give an exotic flair to any garden.


Cannas grow best in full sun in a sheltered location. The soil should be fertile, moist and well drained.

Plant out in spring after the chance of frost has passed and the soil has warmed. Cannas can be started early indoors to get a head start on the growing season. Deadhead to prolong blooming.

In areas of Texas where they are not cold hardy, the rhizomes can be lifted after the foliage is killed back in fall. Clean off any clinging dirt and store the rhizomes in a cool, frost-free location in slightly moist peat moss. Check on them regularly during winter, and if they start to sprout, pot them and move them to a bright window until they can be moved outdoors.


Cannas can be grown in a mixed perennial bed, or to fill in areas you want to keep low-maintenance. They make dramatic specimen plants and can even be included in large planters.


A wide range of cannas is available, including cultivars and hybrids with green, bronzy, purple or yellow-and-green-striped foliage. Dwarf cultivars that grow only 18–28" tall are also available.

Features: decorative foliage; white, red, orange, pink, yellow and bicolored summer flowers

Height: 18"–6'

Spread: 20–36"

Hardiness: zones 7–9


Canna flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds.

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