Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan, also referred to by its genus, Rudbeckia, is a Texas garden standby.

The cultivar ‘Goldsturm’ is an excellent anchor perennial because of its long life, bright yellow flowers and long blooming season. It doesn’t need division, won’t die out in the center and won’t encroach on its neighbors.


Black-eyed Susan grows well in full sun with a bit of afternoon shade. The soil should be of average fertility and well drained. Established plants are drought tolerant, but regular watering is best.

Divide if you wish in spring or fall, every three to five years. Deadhead plants to encourage new flower buds.


Black-eyed Susan is a tough, long-lived, low-maintenance perennial. Plant it wherever you want a casual look. It looks great planted in drifts with ornamental grasses. Include this native plant in wildflower and natural gardens, beds and borders.

Recommended Varieties

R. fulgida is an upright, spreading plant bearing orange-yellow flowers with brown centers. Var. sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’ bears large, bright, golden yellow flowers.

R. maxima is an upright, native perennial with spoon-shaped, large, blue-green foliage and daisy-like, bright yellow flowers with very prominent conical centers that face upward. This species grows 5–6' tall and 2' wide.

Features: bright yellow, orange or red, midsummer to fall flowers with brown or green centers; attractive foliage; easy to grow

Height: 24"–6'

Spread: 12–24"

Hardiness: zones 3–9

Note: Several Rudbeckia species are touted as “claybusters” because they tolerate fairly heavy clay soils.

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