Commercial Services

Here at HH Headquarters we blend our skills to best meet your needs: We keep one hand in horticulture, and the other hand in your green industry business. If you're ready to grow a better horticulture business, we have the skills to help you grow your game.

Green Industry Business Consulting & Coaching

We help fine tune your green industry business, emerging business, or product, with industry-specific, business development coaching, business and marketing planning. When you know you need to make significant changes or take big steps to hit a target goal or ROI for your business, our GROW YOUR GAME business consulting and coaching program is a great fit. We work with a variety of businesses from all sectors of the green industry and allied trade. We can coach you or your staff on planning a brand new green industry business or restructuring an existing one, marketing strategy and tactics, buying techniques and inventory control strategies, as well as help you develop new products for the horticultural market. Ask about our GROW YOUR GAME business consulting program. For an introductory consultation, you can start with a one-time Business & Product Consultation. If you need career advice or are a solo plantrepreneur you can start with a Career Coaching & Small Business Consultation.

Horticultural Marketing & Branding Consulting

Don't have an on-staff Chief Marketing Officer, or need help improving your current company, plant line, or product brand? We help you develop an overall marketing strategy for your business or product. We also provide creative direction and help you develop your company or product branding from scratch or refresh existing branding with fresh and relevant creative direction, concept work, and messaging development. If you have employees or contract designers you already like working with, we can plug into your existing team to provide creative direction and technical guidance, or refer you to our trusted designers.

Media/Public Speaking

Leslie is a keynote level speaker and a regular on the green industry speaking circuit. She presents on a variety of horticultural, green industry business, marketing, and company culture topics. Leslie is available for gardening related print, TV and radio interviews or segments. As a freelance writer, she provides article features, monthly columns, and photos for your industry or consumer horticulture & gardening publications.

Popular Current Speaking Topics Include:

Keynotes & Management/Marketing

  • Dealing with Change and Letting Go of Fear
  • Extend & Expand Your Selling Seasons
  • Green Industry Recruiting: Attract, Grow & Keep Right Employees
  • Mastering the Art of Mentoring and Being Mentored
  • Becoming a More Powerful Communicator
  • Women in Horticulture: Maximize Your Power as a Woman in the Workforce
  • Women in Horticulture: Strategies for Challenging Gender Bias; Use Your Power to Your Advantage
  • Women in Horticulture: Discover Your Power
  • Plant Parenting: Connect & Cultivate Plant-Keeping Trends and Marketing
  • Are you Digitally Relevant? Marketing Your Green Industry Business

HORTICULTURE & GARDENING: I currently lecture on a wide variety of horticultural topics through both the UCLA Extension Horticulture Program and the Bloom & Grow Garden Society.

Commercial Horticultural Consulting

Leslie F. Halleck, M.S., CPH

As a degreed and Certified Professional Horticulturist (ASHS), Leslie provides horticultural consulting to commercial clients such as greenhouse growers, landscape architects, design & build firms, landscape maintenance companies, and companies that create horticultural products. We support your work with site and plan review, plant recommendations, maintenance recommendations and plans, greenhouse production improvements, grow lighting plans, product sourcing, technical copywriting, and product development support. Consulting can be as-needed or with ongoing monthly retainers.

Leslie can plug-in to work directly with you and your staff on your needs, or help you by communicating directly with your client. Leslie's extensive sales and management experience comes in handy. Sometimes when you need to tell your client "no, that won't work" it can be helpful to have a CPH to back you up. Conversely, when you need to sell a great idea or solution, a CPH's stamp of approval can close the deal.

Leslie takes a no-nonsense approach to horticulture; You'll always get direct and accurate advice as to action you need to take to get your project on track.

As a CPH, Leslie is also qualified to provide detailed reports that can be used for documentation, legal research or reports, legal claims, or expert testimony.

Please use the Contact form to drop us a line to discuss your needs.

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