I'm not an Influencer...So Don't Miss Out: Horticulture Courses, Botanical Travel, Business Coaching + More!

I’m not an influencer! So yeah, it’s tough for my posts and content to break through the ocean of posts (and restrictions on reach) because I’m not someone with a lot of “followers”. I don’t spend my days trying to go “viral” or get attention doing things that are not natural for me.

This is an educational community, at least that’s how I see it! If you don’t want to miss out on posts about an upcoming plant or business course, botanical business group coaching session, plant and gardening information, book stuff, botanical travel…and whatever other crazy stuff I have going on, my e-newsletters are the safest bet!🌿LET's GROW! Join my e-newsletter here: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.c...

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