COURSE: The Business of Horticulture

BIOLGY X 467.1 UCLA Extension

Next Offering FALL 2024

Registration opens 7/29/24

CLICK HERE for the UCLAx link where you can register: BIOLGY X 467.1

Entrepreneurs, career transitioners and green industry employees in “The Business of Horticulture” learn to visualize and transform an amateur plant passion into a professional plant practice. To better understand and confidently navigate the horticulture industry of today - and create an action plan for a new or existing plant-based business, project, or career transition - students are introduced to the horticulture industry; how it works and its business niches and opportunities, basic business planning, marketing, sales and customer relationships, and growing teams. This course offers an interdisciplinary approach relevant to the fields of garden design, horticulture, landscape architecture, garden center or plant shop retail, nursery growing, interiorscape, landscape install/maintenance, arborist, and allied trade.

What you can learn.

  • • Navigate the Horticulture Industry, types of businesses, unique industry niches, and opportunities.
    • Visualize a personal path from amateur to professional within the horticulture industry.
    • Analyze green industry business structures and trends to identify opportunities for profit.
    • Learn fundamental and contemporary industry-specific principles of business operations and management.
    • Learn marketing communication strategies and tactics for customers, clients, and company employees.
    • Discuss challenges experienced starting a new business or growing an existing one in the horticulture industry.


  • • Create an action plan for transitioning from plant amateur to plant professional.
    • Better understand how to create a profit-focused budget for a new or existing business.
    • Deliver professional sales proposals to clients.
    • Articulate a clear professional or business identity, brand, and voice.
    • Implement more effective pricing strategies for your services or products.
    • Use up-to-date technology to manage and market your business.

About this course:

The course is 6-weeks, online and asynchronous (to be more flexible with your schedules) and with weekly live Zoom office hours with me as a group or scheduled one-on-one as needed.

The course is interdisciplinary, meaning they are for those who aspire to work in or own their own business in the fields of garden design, garden center/plant shop retail, horticulturist, landscape maintenance, landscape architecture, plant growing, plant stylists, plantrepreneurs, arborists, and all allied trade. We will tailor conversations around everyone's individual disciplinary needs.

The courses are open enrollment:
you don’t have to be a UCLA student, anyone, from anywhere, can enroll. You can take the courses for credit, pass/not pass, or not-recorded as simply continuing education. If you are a UCLA student, or are pursuing the Horticulture Certificate or Landscape Architecture Certificate in the UCLAx Horticulture program each 6-week course will be worth 2-credits. You can also hit your employer up for continuing education benefits!

CONCURRENT GROUP COACHING: I also have a 6-week Botanical Business Bootcamp Group Coaching session available fall 2024 that will run concurrently with (but separate from) my UCLAx course. You do not need to be registered for the course to participate in direct coaching, but UCLAx students in the business course are welcome to also sign up for concurrent coaching! Note that there are two groups available, with different start times for you to choose from. Registration opens 7/29/24


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